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 11:11 Manufacturing • Dedicated For Life 

Over 20 Years of Industry Experience / Skater Owned and Operated!

 I still remember the exact moment like it was yesterday. I was 8 years old and was having a particularly great day on my board when I said to myself, "I'll never quit skateboarding"...never."


And I never did. From the late 70's pool explosion, the 80's death, the 90's resurgence, to the DIY boom over the last 15 years, I've been through it all. Every era, every fad, every wheel size, and every shape - my passion never waned, and the stoke never died. Even in times of injury, I stayed involved by shooting photos and filming but make no mistake, when the injuries healed, I was right back on board. When it came time to get a "real job," the skateboard industry took me in, and I've never left. And during the ride I've done almost every job in our industry you can think of: from photographer, writer, every sales position imaginable, team management, brand management, distribution, warehouse monkey, and web designer. But the majority of my time has been spent in the manufacturing space, making the quality product you need at a fair price.


 This long road has led to my final project, 11:11 Manufacturing, where we offer all facets of manufacturing to free up your time for the jobs that matter. How do we do it? We've partnered with two powerhouses, ASYA Trading, and Project IVY, to create a worldwide, full-service manufacturing center that can supply your brand's needs with just one phone call. From custom boards, wheels, bearings, trucks, clothing, headwear, and socks, to any accessories you can dream up - we can make it all.


Quality, value, and service are our main priorities so, if you're looking for a reliable manufacturing partner, look no further!  Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you bring your next project to market.


We will never BS you, we will never hard sell you........ but we will make your life easier

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At 11:11 our philosophy is simple. We rely on the strength of our local and global relationships, strive for quality in everything we do, and believe in craftsmanship above all else. From the original point of conception to the delivery of the final product, 11:11 will assist in all stages of sourcing, product development, manufacturing, fulfillment and marketing. We strive to be known as the ultimate one stop solution for your brand with an unparalleled ability to be a true start-to-finish outlet for our clients.


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